加拿大爱国主义猛增,85%的加拿大人感到自豪,因为他们在民族挑战中夺回国旗。 Canadians' patriotism spikes, with 85% feeling proud, as they reclaim the flag amid national challenges.
加拿大人正在经历民族自豪感和爱国主义的激增,根据Leger的民意调查,85%的加拿大人为自己是加拿大人而感到自豪。 Canadians are experiencing a surge in national pride and patriotism, with 85% feeling proud to be Canadian, according to a Leger poll. 这种重新认同的感觉是为了回应美国前总统特朗普的威胁和"自由护送队"的抗议活动. This renewed sense of identity is in response to threats from former U.S. President Donald Trump and the "Freedom Convoy" protests. 由George F.G. Stanley设计的加拿大国旗正被重新作为容忍、包容和团结的象征,特别是当它在国旗日庆祝其60周年时。 The Canadian flag, designed by George F. G. Stanley, is being reclaimed as a symbol of tolerance, inclusion, and unity, especially as it celebrates its 60th anniversary on Flag Day. 前总理曾鼓励公民自豪地悬挂国旗。 Former prime ministers have encouraged citizens to fly the flag with pride.