在都柏林上千人抗议, 要求制裁以色列, 并驱逐出联合国。 Thousands protest in Dublin, demanding sanctions on Israel and its expulsion from the UN.
数千人聚集在都柏林进行亲巴勒斯坦抗议, 呼吁制裁以色列并将其逐出联合国。 Thousands gathered in Dublin for a pro-Palestinian protest, calling for sanctions on Israel and its expulsion from the UN. 示威者要求停止武装以色列,停止使用爱尔兰领空制造武器,并要求制定有关贸易限制和武器禁运的新立法。 Demonstrators demanded an end to arming Israel and the use of Irish airspace for weapons, and called for new legislation on trade restrictions and arms embargoes. 这次游行是在选举宣布之后举行的,其目的是使巴勒斯坦成为政党进入政府的一个关键问题。 The march followed an election announcement, aiming to make Palestine a key issue for parties entering government.