数十人聚集在都柏林向在加沙遇害的巴勒斯坦记者致敬, 批评以色列的媒体限制。 Dozens gathered in Dublin to honor Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza, criticizing Israel's media restrictions.
数百人在新年前夜聚集在都柏林,悼念在加沙遇害的巴勒斯坦记者,据巴勒斯坦记者辛迪加报道,自战争开始以来,已有 190 多人被以色列军队杀害。 Hundreds gathered in Dublin on New Year's Eve to honor Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza, as reported by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate that over 190 have been killed by Israeli forces since the war began. 由爱尔兰巴勒斯坦团结运动在Ha'penny桥组织,守夜者包括爱尔兰新闻界和全国记者联合会。 Organized by the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign at the Ha'penny Bridge, the vigil included Irish press and the National Union of Journalists. Adorned currach在Liffey河上划船,发言者强调支持记者的重要性,并批评以色列在加沙限制国际媒体。 An adorned currach rowed the River Liffey, and speakers highlighted the importance of supporting journalists and criticized Israel's restriction on international media in Gaza.