全球亲巴勒斯坦抗议活动在哈马斯袭击一周年之前在欧洲主要城市爆发。 Global pro-Palestinian protests erupt in major European cities ahead of Hamas attack anniversary.
随着哈马斯袭击以色列一周年的临近,亲巴勒斯坦的抗议在全球爆发,特别是在伦敦、巴黎和罗马等欧洲主要城市。 As the first anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel approaches, pro-Palestinian protests have erupted globally, particularly in major European cities like London, Paris, and Rome. 示威者呼吁停火,表示声援巴勒斯坦人。 Demonstrators are calling for a ceasefire and expressing solidarity with Palestinians. 由于潜在的暴力和对新的恐怖威胁的关切,安全部队处于高度警戒状态。 Security forces are on high alert due to potential violence and concerns over new terror threats. 计划举行大规模集会,预计10月2日至4日将有大批人参加。 Large-scale rallies are planned, with significant participation expected from October 2nd to 4th.