伊利诺伊州卫生官员在11月敦促在认识低和风险高的情况下进行肺癌检查。 Illinois health officials urge lung cancer screenings in November amid low awareness and high risk.
伊利诺伊州卫生官员在11月的肺癌意识月期间提倡肺癌筛查,因为州在新的肺癌病例中排名第16位。 Health officials in Illinois are promoting lung cancer screenings during Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November, as the state ranks 16th in new lung cancer cases. 高危人群的筛查率低于6%,但早期检测可显著提高存活率。 The screening rate for high-risk individuals is below 6%, though early detection increases survival rates significantly. 一项研究表明,许多符合资格的个人不知道有筛选选择。 A study reveals many eligible individuals are unaware of screening options. 该条强调病人和保健服务提供者就肺癌风险和筛查进行沟通的重要性。 The article emphasizes the importance of communication between patients and healthcare providers regarding lung cancer risks and screening.