父亲死于诊断错误的肺癌,家庭敦促人们注意避免标签偏见。 Father dies from misdiagnosed lung cancer, family urges awareness to avoid label bias.
37岁的父亲Liam Handley死于绝症肺癌,因为他的胸部疼痛最初被误诊断为焦虑症。 A 37-year-old father, Liam Handley, died from terminal lung cancer after his chest pains were initially misdiagnosed as anxiety. 尽管多次探访,他从未被转诊接受胸腔X光检查,而他的焦虑药物反而增加了。 Despite multiple visits, he was never referred for a chest X-ray, and his medication for anxiety was increased instead. 他的家人支持Roy Castle肺癌基金会的“放走标签”运动, 目的是提高认识, 避免使用“吸烟者”和“永远不吸烟”等可能延迟诊断的术语。 His family supports the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation’s "Let Go of the Labels" campaign, aiming to raise awareness and avoid using terms like "smoker" and "never-smoker" that may delay diagnoses.