西澳大利亚州癌症理事会在宣传月对肺癌症状和早期发现进行教育。 Cancer Council WA educates on lung cancer symptoms and early detection during awareness month.
在11月的肺癌意识月期间,癌症理事会WA正在教育西南南部居民了解肺癌症状和早期发现的重要性。 During Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November, the Cancer Council WA is educating South West residents about lung cancer symptoms and the importance of early detection. 肺癌是西澳大利亚第四大常见的癌症,也是导致癌症死亡的主要原因。 Lung cancer is the fourth most common cancer and leading cause of cancer death in WA. 症状包括咳血、胸部疼痛、咳嗽变化、呼吸困难、体重下降和疲劳。 Symptoms include coughing up blood, chest pain, changes in cough, breathing difficulties, weight loss, and fatigue. 虽然80%的病例与吸烟有关,但由于职业接触和家族历史等因素,它也可能影响非吸烟者。 While 80% of cases are linked to smoking, it can also affect non-smokers due to factors like occupational exposure and family history. 该理事会敦促居民在出现任何症状时看医生。 The council urges residents to see a doctor if they experience any symptoms.