也门胡塞叛军将在地区紧张局势中对以色列船只维持海上封锁。 Yemen's Houthi rebels will maintain a maritime blockade against Israeli ships amid regional tensions.
也门的胡塞叛军宣布他们将坚持对以色列船只的海上封锁,并援引以色列航运公司可能试图通过出售资产逃避封锁的情报。 Yemen's Houthi rebels announced they will uphold a maritime blockade against Israeli vessels, citing intelligence that Israeli shipping companies may be trying to evade it by selling assets. 伊朗结盟集团计划加紧攻击,声援哈马斯和真主党,警告说,船只所有权的改变将不会得到承认。 The Iran-aligned group plans to intensify attacks in solidarity with Hamas and Hezbollah, warning that changes in ownership of ships will not be recognized. 封锁将持续到加沙和黎巴嫩的敌对行动停止为止。 The blockade will persist until hostilities in Gaza and Lebanon cease.