也门胡塞叛军威胁要攻击以色列, 如果它在加沙行动, Yemen's Houthi rebels threaten to attack Israel if it acts in Gaza, escalating Mideast tensions.
也门的胡塞叛军在伊朗的支持下警告说,如果以色列恢复在加沙的军事行动,他们将袭击以色列。 Yemen's Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, warn they will attack Israel if it resumes military action in Gaza. 该团体由Abdul-Malik al-Houthi率领,以前以红海的以色列和其他船只为目标。 The group, led by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has previously targeted Israeli and other vessels in the Red Sea. 以色列和哈马斯之间脆弱的停火正受到压力,因为哈马斯指责以色列违反协定,导致以色列加强军事准备状态。 The fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is under strain as Hamas accuses Israel of violating the agreement, leading Israel to boost military readiness. 局势仍然紧张,有可能重新爆发冲突。 The situation remains tense with potential for renewed conflict.