波兰东北部的一次汽车火车碰撞导致5人死亡,其中包括3名儿童,引发了调查。 A car-train collision in northeastern Poland killed five, including three children, prompting an investigation.
星期天,在波兰东北部一个无人看守的铁路过境点发生了一场悲惨的汽车火车碰撞,造成5人死亡,其中包括2名成年人和3名儿童。 A tragic car-train collision at an unguarded railway crossing in northeastern Poland on Sunday resulted in the deaths of five people, including two adults and three children. 这辆汽车在皮什附近与一列即将到来的火车相撞,事故原因正在调查之中。 The car collided with an oncoming train near Pisz, and the cause of the accident is under investigation. Pisz和Spychow之间的火车交通已暂停,预计会中断数小时。 Train traffic between Pisz and Spychow has been suspended, leading to expected disruptions for several hours.