6 月 27 日,斯洛伐克新扎姆基附近发生火车与公共汽车相撞事故,造成 5 人死亡,5 人受伤;从布拉格开往布达佩斯的欧洲城际列车在铁路道口与一辆公共汽车相撞。 5 people died, 5 injured in Slovakia train-bus collision on June 27, near Nove Zamky; Eurocity train from Prague to Budapest collided with a bus at a railway crossing.
6 月 27 日,斯洛伐克新扎姆基镇附近发生一起火车与公共汽车相撞事故,造成 5 人死亡,5 人受伤。 5 people died and 5 were injured in a train-bus collision in Slovakia on June 27, near the town of Nove Zamky. 这列从布拉格开往布达佩斯的欧洲城际列车在铁路道口与一辆公共汽车相撞。 The Eurocity train, en route from Prague to Budapest, collided with a bus at a railway crossing. 火车车头起火,导致布拉迪斯拉发和布达佩斯之间的主要铁路交通中断。 The train's engine caught fire, and traffic on the main rail link between Bratislava and Budapest was disrupted. 斯洛伐克内政部长马图斯·苏泰·埃斯托克正在调查此事。 Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutai Estok is investigating the incident.