斯洛伐克火车与公共汽车相撞,造成 7 人死亡,5 人受伤:一列欧洲城际列车与一辆当地公共汽车在斯洛伐克南部相撞。 7 killed, 5 injured in train-bus collision in Slovakia: A Eurocity train and a local bus collided in southern Slovakia.
斯洛伐克发生火车与公共汽车相撞事故,造成7人死亡,5人受伤。 7 people were killed and 5 injured in a train-bus collision in Slovakia. 一辆从布拉格开往布达佩斯的欧洲城际列车在斯洛伐克南部与一辆当地公共汽车相撞,造成7人死亡,5人受伤。 A Eurocity train from Prague to Budapest collided with a local bus in southern Slovakia, resulting in the deaths of 7 people and injuring 5 more. 事故发生在列车行驶过程中,车上载有200名乘客。 The accident occurred during the train's journey, carrying 200 passengers. 当局对医务人员和救援队的努力表示赞赏。 The authorities appreciate medical practitioners and rescue teams' efforts.