在联合国缔约方会议第十六届会议首脑会议上,代表们设立了一个常设机构,以加强土著人民在生物多样性保护方面的作用。 At the UN COP16 summit, delegates established a permanent body to enhance Indigenous peoples' role in biodiversity conservation.
在哥伦比亚卡利举行的联合国COP16生物多样性首脑会议上,代表们同意成立一个土著人民常设协商机构,加强土著人民在自然保护讨论中的作用。 At the UN COP16 biodiversity summit in Cali, Colombia, delegates agreed to form a permanent consultative body for Indigenous peoples, enhancing their role in nature conservation discussions. 这项决定以2022年《蒙特利尔协定》为基础,确认土著知识在保护生物多样性方面的重要性。 This decision, building on the 2022 Montreal accord, recognizes the importance of Indigenous knowledge in preserving biodiversity. 首脑会议还承认非洲人后裔对自然保护的贡献,并旨在便利他们参与相关项目。 The summit also acknowledged the contributions of people of African descent to nature protection and aims to facilitate their participation in related projects.