空运协会报告说,2024年9月记录了航空旅行和货物需求,但警告说存在能力挑战。 IATA reports record air travel and cargo demand in September 2024, but warns of capacity challenges.
国际航空运输协会(空运协会)报告说,2024年9月的航空旅行和货物需求创历史新高,乘客需求增长7.1%,货物需求逐年增长9.4%。 The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported record highs in air travel and cargo demand for September 2024, with passenger demand increasing by 7.1% and cargo demand by 9.4% year-on-year. 国际旅客需求增加9.2%,国内需求增加3.7%。 International passenger demand rose 9.2%, while domestic demand grew 3.7%. 尽管取得了这些成就,空运协会总干事警告说,能力方面的潜在挑战可能影响到该行业的增长,并敦促可持续基础设施投资。 Despite these gains, IATA’s Director General warned of potential capacity challenges affecting the industry's growth and urged for sustainable infrastructure investment.