中国的国际贸易在9月增长了5%,货物盈余6 268亿美元。 China's international trade rose 5% in September, with a goods surplus of $626.8 billion.
9月份,中国国际商品和服务贸易年同比增长了5%,总额约4.48万亿元。 In September, China's international trade in goods and services rose by 5% year-on-year, totaling about 4.48 trillion yuan. 以美元计算,出口额达3 520亿美元,进口额为2806亿美元,盈余713亿美元。 In U.S. dollars, exports reached $352 billion and imports $280.6 billion, resulting in a surplus of $71.3 billion. 货物出口额将近2.25万亿美元,进口额为1.62万亿美元,盈余6 268亿美元。 Goods exports were nearly $2.25 trillion, with imports at $1.62 trillion, creating a surplus of $626.8 billion. 然而,服务部门的赤字为1 219亿美元,出口额为2 420亿美元,进口额为3 640亿美元。 However, the services sector saw a deficit of $121.9 billion, with exports at $242 billion and imports at $364 billion.