Volksvagen 考虑关闭 3 家德国工厂,在财务挑战下裁员。 Volksvagen considers closing 3 German plants, reducing workforce amid financial challenges.
大众汽车正在考虑关闭德国的至少三家工厂,并大幅裁员,作为在持续的财务挑战中节省成本的战略的一部分。 Volkswagen is considering closing at least three plants in Germany and significantly reducing its workforce as part of a cost-saving strategy amid ongoing financial challenges. 该信息来自该公司的员工委员会,该委员会引发了对该汽车制造商寻求解决危机时可能进行的大规模裁员的担忧。 This information comes from the company's employee council, which has raised concerns about potential mass layoffs as the automaker seeks to address its crisis.