中国政府支持的黑客以美国高级政治人物为目标,利用电信公司的漏洞。 Chinese state-backed hackers target senior US political figures, exploiting telecom company breaches.
连接中国政府的黑客已经发起了一场针对共和党和民主党的高级官员的网络间活动, Chinese government-linked hackers have launched a significant cyber-espionage campaign against senior figures in both the Republican and Democratic parties, including Eric Trump and Jared Kushner. 据报道,黑客通过在AT&T和Verizon等电信公司破门而入,获得电话和短信数据。 The hackers reportedly accessed phone call and text data through breaches at telecom companies like AT&T and Verizon. 联邦调查局正在调查这起违约事件, 这被认为是近些年来 国家安全黑客事件中 最为严重的违反事件之一。 The FBI is investigating the breach, which is considered one of the most concerning national security hacks in recent years.