2024年10月27日加热系统泄漏造成14人在Florina一家旅馆遭受一氧化碳中毒。 14 people suffered carbon monoxide poisoning at a Florina hotel due to a heating system leak on October 27, 2024.
2024年10月27日,佛罗里纳州利姆诺霍里的一家酒店发生一氧化碳中毒事故,造成14人受伤. On October 27, 2024, 14 individuals suffered carbon monoxide poisoning at a hotel in Limnohori, Florina, due to a heating system leak. 他们因各种症状住院;Kozani医院有一人病情严重。 They were hospitalized with varying symptoms; one person is in serious condition at Kozani Hospital. 旅馆老板被捕了 The hotel owner has been arrested. 紧急服务将大楼疏散,有严重问题的人被送往西马其顿的医院。 Emergency services evacuated the building, and those with severe issues were transported to hospitals in Western Macedonia.