十人,包括四名儿童,因涉嫌一氧化碳中毒,在渥太华住院。 Ten people, including four children, were hospitalized in Ottawa due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.
10人,包括6名成年人和4名儿童,在瓦尼尔区Granville街一所住宅发生疑似一氧化碳中毒事件后,在渥太华住院。 Ten people, including six adults and four children, were hospitalized in Ottawa after a suspected carbon monoxide poisoning incident at a home on Granville Street in the Vanier district. 上午9时15分左右接到紧急呼叫,一人受危及生命的伤,其他人伤势严重但稳定。 The emergency call came in at around 9:15 a.m., with one individual suffering life-threatening injuries and the others in serious but stable condition. 渥太华消防局和救护人员对现场作出了反应。 The Ottawa Fire Department and paramedics responded to the scene.