麦当劳的专营业主豁免雇用第三方技术人员来修理McFlurry和软服务机。 McDonald's franchise owners granted exemption to hire third-party technicians to repair McFlurry and soft serve machines.
美国的新联邦豁免 A new federal exemption from the U.S. 版权办公室允许麦当劳的特许经营权所有人雇用第三方技术人员修理McFlurry和软服务机,绕过《DMCA》下以前限制性的数字锁。 Copyright Office allows McDonald's franchise owners to hire third-party technicians to repair McFlurry and soft serve machines, bypassing previously restrictive digital locks under the DMCA. 这一变化有望加快修复速度,并被视为“修复权”运动的胜利。 This change is expected to expedite repairs and is seen as a victory for the 'Right to Repair' movement. 然而,这项裁决不允许共享维修工具,更广泛的豁免请求也没有得到充分批准。 However, the ruling does not permit sharing repair tools, and broader exemption requests were not fully granted.