美国版权局批准麦当劳的特许经营权豁免, 绕过麦克弗莱里机器的数字锁。 US Copyright Office approves exemption for McDonald's franchises to bypass digital locks on McFlurry machines.
美国版权局批准了一项豁免,允许麦当劳的特许经营权通过绕过数字锁来修复故障的麦克弗莱里机器。 The US Copyright Office has approved an exemption allowing McDonald's franchises to repair malfunctioning McFlurry machines by bypassing digital locks. 这一变化自10月28日起生效,解决了客户对麦克布罗肯网站所跟踪的破损机器的沮丧情绪。 This change, effective October 28, addresses customer frustrations over broken machines, which have been tracked by the website McBroken. 应宣传团体公众知识和iFixIt的要求,这项裁决预计将大大改善商业性食品准备行业的服务。 Requested by advocacy group Public Knowledge and iFixIt, the ruling is expected to significantly improve service in the commercial food prep industry.