爱尔兰的无家可归现象创下了15 199起创纪录的纪录,其中包括近4 700名儿童,引发了采取行动的呼声。 Ireland's homelessness hits a record 15,199, including nearly 4,700 children, sparking calls for action.
根据住房部的资料,爱尔兰紧急住宿人数达到创纪录的15 199人,其中包括4 658名儿童。 The number of people in emergency accommodation in Ireland has reached a record high of 15,199, including 4,658 children, according to the Department of Housing. 这一数字不包括那些入睡的暴虐者或家庭暴力庇护所中的人。 The figure does not include those sleeping rough or in domestic violence shelters. 无家可归的慈善机构呼吁采取紧急行动和禁止无过失驱逐。 Homelessness charities are calling for urgent action and a ban on no-fault evictions. 政府说,它正在努力增加住房的供应。 The government says it is working to increase housing supply.