联合国警告说,由于霍姆斯附近战事加剧,多达150万叙利亚人可能流离失所。 The UN warns that up to 1.5 million Syrians could be displaced due to intensified fighting near Homs.
联合国警告说,叙利亚多达150万人可能因战斗升级而被迫逃离,自11月底以来已有280 000人流离失所。 The United Nations warns that up to 1.5 million people in Syria could be forced to flee due to escalating fighting, with 280,000 already displaced since late November. 叛军正向霍姆斯市推进,造成平民大规模流亡。 Rebels are advancing towards the city of Homs, causing a mass exodus of civilians. 世界粮食计划署主任Samer AbdelJaber强调迫切需要资金,因为援助机构只筹集了方案所需的40亿美元中的三分之一。 The World Food Programme's director, Samer AbdelJaber, highlights the urgent need for funding, as aid agencies have only raised a third of the $4 billion needed for their programs.