Fintrac警告无管制的加拿大律师涉嫌参与洗钱。 Fintrac warns of alleged money laundering involvement by unregulated Canadian lawyers.
加拿大反洗钱机构Fintrac发出警告,警告律师可能参与洗钱活动,特别是滥用客户账户、房地产交易和公司管理。 Fintrac, Canada's anti-money laundering agency, has issued a warning about potential money laundering involvement by lawyers, particularly through misuse of client accounts, real estate transactions, and company management. 律师可能会使可疑交易产生虚假的合法性感,这可能会逃避金融机构的监督。 Lawyers can lend a false sense of legitimacy to suspicious transactions, which may evade scrutiny from financial institutions. 除不列颠哥伦比亚省外,大多数律师不受加拿大反洗钱条例的管辖。 Most lawyers are not covered by Canada's anti-money laundering regulations, except in British Columbia. 这一警戒是继其他机构提出的重大关切以及最近因反洗钱措施不足而向TDB银行集团罚款30亿美元之后发出的。 This alert follows significant concerns raised by other agencies and a recent $3 billion fine against TD Bank Group for inadequate anti-money laundering measures.