加拿大计划在TDB银行丑闻中将洗钱处罚提高40倍。 Canada plans to hike money-laundering penalties by up to 40 times amid TD Bank scandal.
加拿大政府计划将洗钱处罚增加40倍,将针对银行的最高行政处罚从每次违规罚款50万美元提高到2 000万美元。 The Canadian government plans to increase money-laundering penalties by 40 times, raising the maximum administrative penalty against banks from $500,000 to $20 million per violation. 刑事罚款还将增加十倍,并将设立一个新的工作队,以分享关于高端洗钱,包括芬太尼贩运的信息。 Criminal fines will also be increased tenfold, and a new task force will be created to share information on high-end money laundering, including fentanyl trafficking. 这些措施是在犯罪分子通过贸发银行洗钱超过9.69亿美元,导致44.2亿美元和解后加强审查的。 These measures follow increased scrutiny after criminals laundered over $969 million through TD Bank, leading to a $4.42 billion settlement.