加拿大银行业监管机构 OSFI 发布了保护银行免受外国干预和安全风险的指导方针,强调董事会成员的“良好品格”、员工背景调查和访问控制措施。 Canada's banking regulator OSFI releases guidelines to protect banks against foreign interference and security risks, emphasizing 'good character' of board members, employee background checks, and access control measures.
加拿大金融机构监管办公室 (OSFI) 发布了最终指南,概述了银行应如何保护自己免受诚信和安全相关风险的期望。 Canada's Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has released final guidelines outlining its expectations for how banks should protect themselves against risks related to integrity and security. 这些准则涵盖各个方面,包括确保董事会成员和高级领导层的“良好品格”、员工背景调查以及管理对关键基础设施的访问。 These guidelines cover various aspects including ensuring the "good character" of board members and senior leadership, background checks on employees, and managing access to key infrastructure. 由于联邦政府最近扩大了 OSFI 的职权范围,监管机构更加重视反洗钱工作。 The regulator has increased its focus on money laundering prevention due to the federal government's recent expansion of OSFI's mandate.