2010年代,根据对 " 自然气候变化* " 的研究,与气候变化有关的野火烟雾相关死亡增加了19倍。 2010s saw a 19-fold increase in wildfire smoke-related deaths linked to climate change, according to a study in *Nature Climate Change*.
最近发表的《自然气候变化* 》 中的一项国际研究报告将气候变化与野火导致的与烟雾有关的死亡大幅上升联系起来。 A recent international study published in *Nature Climate Change* links climate change to a significant rise in wildfire smoke-related deaths. 据估计,2010年代与气候变化有关的死亡人数每年约为12 566人,而1960年代为669人。 It estimates about 12,566 deaths annually in the 2010s linked to climate change, compared to 669 in the 1960s. 研究表明,2010年代超额死亡的13%与气候有关,比1960年代的1.2%有所增加。 The research indicates that 13% of excess deaths in the 2010s were climate-related, up from 1.2% in the 1960s. 研究报告强调,迫切需要减少温室气体排放,以减轻这些健康影响。 The study emphasizes the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate these health impacts.