阿肯色州最高法院以误导性投票语言中止2024年《医学大麻修正》。 Arkansas Supreme Court halts Medical Marijuana Amendment 2024 due to misleading ballot language.
美国阿肯色州最高法院以4比3的结果裁定, 拟议的2024年医用大麻修正案的投票将不被计算, The Arkansas Supreme Court has ruled 4-3 that votes for the proposed Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2024 will not be counted, citing misleading ballot language. 法院认定,该修正案的头衔没有告知选民,它将修正国家宪法中与此无关的一节。 The court found that the amendment's title failed to inform voters it would amend an unrelated section of the state constitution. 虽然超过150 000人签名支持这项措施,但这项裁决有效地阻止了扩大该州获得大麻药物的努力。 Although over 150,000 signatures supported the measure, the ruling effectively halts efforts to expand medical marijuana access in the state.