一名内布拉斯加州法官在欺诈指控中审查对医用大麻选票倡议提出的挑战。 A Nebraska judge reviews a challenge to medical marijuana ballot initiatives amid fraud claims.
一名内布拉斯加州法官正在审查对医用大麻选票倡议提出的法律质疑, A Nebraska judge is reviewing a legal challenge to medical marijuana ballot initiatives after allegations of improper petition circulation and notarization. 审判已经结束,苏珊·斯特朗法官将在提交最后辩护状后决定各项倡议的有效性。 The trial concluded, and Judge Susan Strong will decide on the initiatives' validity following the submission of final briefs. 虽然有人对伪造签名提出指控,但法官裁定,选票仍将计算在内。 While accusations have surfaced regarding fraudulent signatures, the judge has ruled that votes will still be counted. 结果可能影响到内布拉斯加州医用大麻的未来。 The outcome could influence the future of medical marijuana in Nebraska.