阿肯色州国务秘书面临堕胎修正案被拒绝的法律争议,涉及医用大麻和赌场团体。 Arkansas Secretary of State faces legal dispute over abortion amendment rejection, involving medical marijuana and casino groups.
阿肯色州国务卿John Thurston对堕胎权利修正规则采取不一致的做法,导致法律争端,支持医用大麻和赌场的团体参加对他提起的诉讼。 Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston's inconsistent approach to abortion rights amendment rules has led to a legal dispute, with groups supporting medical marijuana and casinos joining a lawsuit against him. Thurston拒绝堕胎修正案的决定及其对其他修正案的潜在影响,造成了复杂和有争议的政治局面。 Thurston's decision to reject the abortion amendment, and its potential impact on other amendments, has created a complex and contentious political landscape. 阿肯色州最高法院正在决定堕胎修正案是否将进行投票。 The Arkansas Supreme Court is deciding whether the abortion amendment will make it to the ballot.