内布拉斯加州在法院维持选票请愿后可能使医用大麻合法化。 Nebraska likely to legalize medical marijuana after court upheld ballot petitions.
内布拉斯加州更接近于将医用大麻合法化,因为一名法官裁定将该问题列入选票的请愿书是有效的。 Nebraska moved closer to legalizing medical marijuana after a judge ruled that petitions to put the issue on the ballot were valid. 超过三分之二的选民支持11月选举的合法化,结果定于12月2日核证。 More than two-thirds of voters supported legalization in the November election, with results set to be certified on December 2. 尽管倡导者获胜,但预计反对者将向州最高法院提出上诉。 Despite the victory for advocates, opponents are expected to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court.