阿肯色州国务卿因签名无效而拒绝堕胎权利修正案请愿。 Arkansas Secretary of State rejects abortion-rights amendment petition due to invalid signatures.
阿肯色州州务卿拒绝了阿肯色州有限政府组织提交的堕胎权利修正案投票请愿书,理由是缺少有关付费签名收集者的文件。 Arkansas Secretary of State rejected an abortion-rights amendment ballot petition submitted by the Arkansans for Limited Government group, citing missing paperwork regarding paid signature gatherers. 该组织已收集到超过 101,000 个签名,超过了所需的 90,704 个,但国务卿办公室认为其中一部分签名无效,低于要求的门槛。 The group had gathered over 101,000 signatures, surpassing the required 90,704, but the Secretary of State's office deemed a portion of them invalid, putting them below the threshold.