美国阿肯色州医用大麻计划扩展计划在11月投票时缺少2664个签名. Arkansas' medical marijuana program expansion initiative falls 2,664 signatures short for November ballot.
Arkansas提出的扩大医用大麻方案的修正案没有资格参加11月的投票, 据国务卿约翰·瑟斯顿(John Thurston)说, Arkansas' proposed amendment to expand its medical marijuana program has failed to qualify for the November ballot, falling 2,664 signatures short of the required 90,704, according to Secretary of State John Thurston. 该倡议由阿肯色人帮助患者获得治疗倡议牵头,旨在扩大谁能够对患者进行认证的范围,并延长大麻药卡的有效期。 The initiative, led by Arkansans for Patient Access, sought to broaden who can certify patients and extend medical cannabis card validity. 该集团计划以拒绝决定背后的潜在政治动机为由,对决定提出上诉。 The group plans to appeal the decision, citing potential political motives behind the rejection.