该条按男女工资差距划分兰卡斯蒂尔区名列前茅,突出显示收入差距。 Article ranks Lancashire boroughs by gender pay gap, highlighting disparities in earnings.
有一篇文章将兰卡西雷各县的两性薪酬差距排在一行,突出了男女之间收入的差距。 An article ranks the gender pay gap across various boroughs in Lancashire, highlighting disparities in earnings between men and women. 排名提供了对哪些领域存在最大差距的深入了解,突出了工资不平等的持续问题。 The rankings provide insights into which areas have the largest gaps, underscoring ongoing issues of wage inequality. 这些数据是了解区域薪酬差异的重要资源,可以作为解决基于性别的工资差异工作的依据。 The data serves as a critical resource for understanding regional differences in pay and can inform efforts to address gender-based wage disparities.