联合王国城市的工资差距很大;伦敦工人的年收入比贫困地区工人高20,000英镑。 UK cities show major pay gap; London workers earn up to £20,000 more annually than those in poorer areas.
联合王国城市面临巨大的薪酬差距,伦敦工人的年收入比伯恩利等低收入地区高出20 000英镑。 UK cities face significant pay disparities, with workers in London earning up to £20,000 more annually than in lower-income areas like Burnley. 城市中心将此归因于私营部门先进职位在较富裕地区更为集中。 The Centre for Cities attributes this to a higher concentration of advanced private sector jobs in wealthier regions. 报告敦促政府注重促进主要部门的经济增长,加快权力下放,使城市有能力解决薪酬不平等问题。 The report urges the government to focus on boosting economic growth in leading sectors and accelerating devolution to empower cities to address pay inequalities.