尽管挪威在两性平等方面享有声誉,但其工资差距表明,男子的收入平均比妇女高出13%。 Despite its reputation for gender equality, Norway's wage gap shows men earn 13% more than women on average.
最近的一份挪威政府报告发现,尽管该国在两性平等方面享有声誉,男子的收入平均比妇女高13%。 A recent Norwegian government report found that men earn 13% more on average than women, despite the country's reputation for gender equality. 自2015年以来,这一工资差距一直保持不变,与欧洲联盟的12.7%差距类似。 This wage gap has remained consistent since 2015, similar to the 12.7% gap in the European Union. 具有相同工作任务和经验的妇女的收入比男子低8%,而具有同等专业头衔和雇主的妇女的收入则比男子低6%。 Women with the same job roles and experience earn 8% less than men, while those with equal professional titles and employers earn 6% less. 报告表明,不同部门和行业造成了工资差距。 The report suggests that differing sectors and industries contribute to the wage disparity.