10月16日,一名军官参与在亚利桑那州诺加莱斯的Deconcini入境港开枪射击,打伤一人,导致临时关闭港口供联邦调查。 On October 16, an officer-involved shooting at the Deconcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, injured one person and led to a temporary port closure for federal investigation.
10月16日,一名军官参与在亚利桑那州诺加莱斯的Deconcini入境港开枪,造成一人受伤,他被空运到Tucson医院。 On October 16, an officer-involved shooting at the Deconcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, led to the injury of one person, who was airlifted to a Tucson hospital. 美国海关和边境保护局证实了这一事件,促使包括联邦调查局和国土安全部在内的多个联邦机构暂时关闭港口,以供调查。 The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed the incident, prompting a temporary closure of the port for investigation by multiple federal agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. 关于枪击情况的细节仍然未披露。 Details regarding the circumstances of the shooting remain undisclosed.