加纳警方,海关在米西加检查站就走私可可卡车发生冲突,军队介入,无人受伤。 Ghana police, customs clash at Missiga checkpoint over smuggled cocoa truck, military intervenes, no injuries.
2024年10月9日,加纳警察局与海关官员在加纳Bawku的Missiga移民局检查站发生枪战。 On October 9, 2024, a gunfight erupted at the Missiga Immigration Service checkpoint in Bawku, Ghana, between the Ghana Police Service and Customs officials. 警察拒绝海关检查涉嫌将走私可可豆运往多哥的卡车,引发了争吵。 The altercation began when police denied Customs access to inspect a truck suspected of carrying smuggled cocoa beans to Togo. 在军队干预之前,局势升级为枪战。 The situation escalated into gunfire until military forces intervened. 没有伤亡报告,引起对安全机构之间在可可走私问题不断发生的情况下进行协调的关切。 No injuries or fatalities were reported, raising concerns about coordination among security agencies amid ongoing cocoa smuggling issues.