英格兰200万以上妇女在3年内错过了乳腺癌筛查,可能导致3 000万个被忽视的病例。 2 million+ women in England missed breast cancer screenings in 3 years, possibly leading to 30K overlooked cases.
在过去三年中,英格兰有200多万合格妇女错过了乳腺癌筛查,有35.4%的妇女没有参加检查,尽管接受检查的人数有所增加。 Over two million eligible women in England have missed breast cancer screenings in the past three years, with 35.4% not participating despite a rise in uptake. 全国保健服务数据显示,自2018年以来,大约30 000例乳腺癌病例可能被忽视。 NHS data indicates that around 30,000 breast cancer cases may have been overlooked since 2018. 早期发现大大提高了存活率。 Early detection significantly increases survival rates. 英格兰国家保健制度敦促妇女参加检查和监测乳房健康,提供流动检查服务,以改善获得检查的机会。 NHS England urges women to attend screenings and monitor breast health, offering mobile screening services to improve access.