UC Davis的研究显示,假阳性乳房X光照片降低了检查的回报率,特别是在亚洲和西班牙裔/拉丁裔妇女中。 UC Davis study shows false-positive mammograms reduce return rates for screening, especially in Asian and Hispanic/Latinx women.
UC Davis综合癌症中心的一项研究发表在《内部医学年鉴》上,该研究显示,假阳性乳房X光造影结果极大地阻止了妇女今后接受筛查。 A study from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reveals that false-positive mammogram results significantly deter women from future screenings. 调查结果显示,连续两次假阳性反应后,回报率从77%下降到56%。 Findings show that return rates drop from 77% to as low as 56% after two consecutive false positives. 这项研究突出了健康差距,特别是亚裔和西班牙裔/拉丁裔妇女之间的健康差距,并强调需要准确沟通,以鼓励正在进行的乳腺癌筛查。 The study highlights health disparities, particularly among Asian and Hispanic/Latinx women, and stresses the need for accurate communication to encourage ongoing breast cancer screening.