2024 Fraser Institute报告将香港列为世界上最自由的经济, 2024 Fraser Institute report ranks Hong Kong as world's freest economy, surpassing Singapore.
Fraser研究所的《2024年世界经济自由报告》将香港命名为世界上最自由的经济, Hong Kong has been named the world's freest economy in the Fraser Institute's 2024 Economic Freedom of the World report, surpassing Singapore. 美国在"国际贸易自由"和"监管"方面获殊荣, 在"健全的货币"方面升至第三名. It excelled in "Freedom to trade internationally" and "Regulation," with a notable rise to third in "Sound money." 这个城市的成功归功于它独特的“一个国家,两个系统”框架, 培育一个稳健的商业环境。 The city's success is attributed to its unique "one country, two systems" framework, fostering a robust business environment. 100多家技术公司投资了64亿多美元,自2022年底以来创造了15 000个工作岗位。 More than 100 tech firms have invested over $6.4 billion, creating 15,000 jobs since late 2022.