香港的“2025展望”论坛探讨科技创新, 以刺激经济和可持续性。 Hong Kong's "ForeSight 2025" forum explores tech innovations to boost economy and sustainability.
香港生产力理事会举办「2025展望」论坛, 重点探讨新科技如人工智能、生物医学、新能源等, 如何重塑香港经济。 The Hong Kong Productivity Council hosted its "ForeSight 2025" forum, focusing on how new technologies like AI, biomedicine, and new energy can reshape Hong Kong's economy. 这次活动启动了一个服务平台,以帮助中小企业利用这些机会。 The event launched a service platform to help small and medium businesses capitalize on these opportunities. 主旨发言人Justin Yi-fu LIN教授讨论了香港如何利用其独特的工业优势和技术推动增长和提高可持续性。 Keynote speaker Professor Justin Yi-fu LIN discussed how Hong Kong can leverage its unique industrial strengths and technology to drive growth and improve sustainability.