香港推出一个大型人工智能超级计算中心, 以刺激科技增长和创新。 Hong Kong launches a massive AI supercomputing center to fuel tech growth and innovation.
香港最大的人工智能超级计算中心开始运行, 提供多达3,000倍的计算机功率。 Hong Kong's largest AI supercomputing center began operations, offering up to 3,000 petaFLOPS of computing power. 该中心位于拥有超过330家AI和大数据启动企业的Cyberport,旨在满足大学、技术公司和研究机构日益增长的需求。 Located in Cyberport, which hosts over 330 AI and big data startups, the center aims to meet growing demand from universities, tech firms, and research institutions. 香港特区政府正在增加科技投资,以振兴金融和贸易等部门,并计划到2030年将制造业对国内生产总值的贡献提高到5%。 The HKSAR government is boosting investments in science and technology to revitalize sectors like finance and trade, and plans to increase the manufacturing sector's GDP contribution to 5% by 2030.