康涅狄格州和北卡罗来纳州报告本季首次与流感有关的死亡,强调接种疫苗的重要性。 Connecticut and North Carolina report first flu-related deaths of the season, stressing vaccination importance.
康涅狄格州报告了本季头两次与流感有关的死亡:一名一岁以下的婴儿和一名90年代的老年人。 Connecticut has reported its first two flu-related deaths of the season: an infant under one year old and an elderly individual in their 90s. 国家卫生官员强调接种疫苗的重要性,特别是对弱势群体,包括老年人和健康状况不佳的人接种疫苗。 State health officials stress the importance of vaccinations, particularly for vulnerable groups, including older adults and those with health conditions. 同时,北卡罗来纳州也记录了本季第一场流感死亡。 Meanwhile, North Carolina has also recorded its first flu death of the season. 卫生当局建议保持最新的疫苗接种,并实行良好的卫生,以遏制呼吸道病毒的传播。 Health authorities recommend maintaining up-to-date vaccinations and practicing good hygiene to curb the spread of respiratory viruses.