本季弗吉尼亚州有两名儿童死于流感,只有30%的居民接种了疫苗。 Two Virginia children have died from the flu this season, with only 30% of residents vaccinated.
弗吉尼亚州有两名儿童在本季死于流感,一名来自东部地区,年龄5-12岁,另一名来自中部地区,年龄13-17岁。 Two children in Virginia have died from the flu this season, one from the Eastern region aged 5-12 and the other from the Central region aged 13-17. 弗吉尼亚州卫生部报告说,本季只有30%的合格居民接种了流感疫苗。 The Virginia Department of Health reports that only 30% of eligible residents have received a flu vaccine this season. 卫生官员建议每年使用流感疫苗和良好的卫生做法,以防止流感蔓延。 Health officials recommend annual flu vaccines and good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of the flu. 弗吉尼亚的呼吸道疾病水平目前是中等的。 Respiratory illness levels in Virginia are currently moderate.