南内华达州首次报告本季与流感有关的死亡病例,敦促接种疫苗。 Southern Nevada reports first flu-related death of the season, urging vaccinations.
南内华达州卫生区报告本季首次与流感有关的死亡,她是克拉克县的一名70岁的妇女。 The Southern Nevada Health District has reported the first flu-related death of the season, a 70-year-old woman in Clark County. 尽管当地有关类似流感疾病的报告仍然很少,但国家活动有所增加。 While local reports of flu-like illnesses remain low, national activity has increased. 疾病控制和预防中心建议每年为6个月及以上、65岁及以上、幼儿、孕妇和有基本条件的人接种流感疫苗。 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual flu vaccines for everyone aged 6 months and older, with higher risk for those aged 65 and over, young children, pregnant individuals, and those with underlying conditions. 卫生区敦促居民接种疫苗,并采取预防性措施,如经常洗手和在生病时留在家中。 The Health District urges residents to get vaccinated and follow preventive measures like frequent handwashing and staying home when sick.