在工作-生活平衡和心理健康支助方面,全国前20名城市中,有2个地方城市名列前茅。 Two local cities rank among the top 20 nationally for work-life balance and mental health support.
在全国前20名城市中,有2个地方城市因提供最佳的工作-生活平衡和心理健康支持而被承认为全国前20名城市之一。 Two local cities have been recognized among the top 20 in the nation for providing the best work-life balance and mental health support. 排名突出了有利于雇员在工作以外保持健康生活方式的条件的领域。 The rankings highlight areas with favorable conditions for employees to maintain healthy lifestyles outside of work. 这种承认可以吸引更多的居民寻求平衡的生活方式。 This recognition could attract more residents seeking a balanced lifestyle.