南加利福尼亚州从被扑灭的重大野火中恢复过来,评估损害情况并支持受影响社区。 Southern California recovers from extinguished major wildfires, assessing damage and supporting affected communities.
南加州正在从几乎被扑灭的三场主要野火中恢复过来。 Southern California is recovering from three major wildfires that have nearly been extinguished. 火灾造成重大破坏,影响到房屋和自然景观。 The fires caused significant destruction, impacting homes and natural landscapes. 尽管直接威胁正在减少,但后果包括广泛进行损害评估,不断努力恢复和支持受影响社区。 Although the immediate threat is subsiding, the aftermath includes extensive damage assessments and ongoing efforts for recovery and support for affected communities. 当局正集中力量在该区域恢复安全和解决环境问题。 Authorities are focusing on restoring safety and addressing environmental concerns in the region.