在犹他州徒步足迹附近发现人类遗骸;死亡似乎是自然的,身份不被确认。 Human remains found near a Utah hiking trail; death appears natural, identity withheld.
2025年1月12日, 在犹他州华盛顿市大象拱门远足附近 发现了处于不同腐烂阶段的遗骸 Human remains in various stages of decomposition were discovered near the Elephant Arch hike in Washington City, Utah, on January 12, 2025. 当局确认遗体是属于一个人的,犯规似乎不是一个因素。 Authorities confirmed the remains belong to a man, and foul play does not appear to be a factor. 死者的身份已经确认,但出于对家属的尊重而不予透露。 The identity of the deceased has been confirmed but is being withheld out of respect for the family. 随着验尸官调查死亡原因,该案依然活跃。 The case remains active as the Medical Examiner investigates the cause of death.