自2019年水灾以来,在NE的斯坦顿县发现了第5个人头骨;调查仍在进行中。 5th human skull discovered in Stanton County, NE since 2019 floods; investigation ongoing.
东北州斯坦顿的一名渔民周日在联合溪发现了一个大部分完整的人类头骨,这是自2019年洪水以来在该县发现的第5个人头骨或遗骸. A fisherman in Stanton, NE discovered a mostly intact human skull in Union Creek on Sunday, marking the 5th human skull or remains found in the county since 2019 floods. Stanton县治安官办公室正在进行调查,一名法医人类学家将评估头骨,以确定其特征和历史背景。 The Stanton County Sheriff's Office is investigating, and a forensic anthropologist will evaluate the skull to determine its characteristics and historical context. 据信遗体在小溪中逗留了很长一段时间。 The remains are believed to have been in the creek for a significant period of time.